Why Elsevier Language Editing services?
Language Editing
Ensure that your work is written in correct English before submission.
Price calculator
0 - 500 words
501 - 1500 words
1501 - 3500 words
3501 - 6000 words
6001 - 8000 words
8001 - 10000 words
10001 - 12000 words
12001 - 15000 words
15001 - 18000 words
18001 - 20000 words
20001 - 25000 words
25000 - 30000 words
30001 - 35000 words
35001 - 40000 words
40001 - 45000 words
45001 - 50000 words
Show Standard services
Get the same quality as Standard, but faster!
High-speed turnaround
Price calculator
0 - 500 words
501 - 1500 words
1501 - 3500 words
3501 - 6000 words
6001 - 8000 words
8001 - 10000 words
10001 - 12000 words
12001 - 15000 words
15001 - 18000 words
18001 - 20000 words
20001 - 25000 words
25000 - 30000 words
30001 - 35000 words
35001 - 40000 words
40001 - 45000 words
45001 - 50000 words
Show Express services
Improve the flow and writing of your paper and get unlimited editing support.
Valid for 12 months
Price calculator
0 - 500 words
501 - 1500 words
1501 - 3500 words
3501 - 6000 words
6001 - 8000 words
8001 - 10000 words
10001 - 12000 words
12001 - 15000 words
15001 - 18000 words
18001 - 20000 words
20001 - 25000 words
25000 - 30000 words
30001 - 35000 words
35001 - 40000 words
40001 - 45000 words
45001 - 50000 words
Show Plus services
PhD or PhD candidates selected according to your field of study
Detailed language check: spelling, grammar, sentence structures and terminology
Free re-edit or money back in case of rejection based on language
High-speed turnaround
Free re-editing support for 12 months
Focus on logic, structure and the flow of content
Manuscript formatting as per journal requirements
References are edited
Reference check for consistency, completeness and structure
Cover Letter customized for journal submission
Assessment report with feedback on paper language and structure
Word count reduction of up to 20%
Exclusive Quality Guarantee
No matter what service you choose, Elsevier Author services are always guaranteed. If your manuscript is rejected due to an English proofreading issue, we will re-edit your paper for free or give you a full refund.

Why Elsevier Editing Services?
Once you finish your manuscript, it is helpful to have it reviewed by an expert in your field whose first language is English. This will increase your chances to get published.
Language-edited papers are published more often, have a higher FWCI, and are published with Elsevier more often than regular papers.*
With over 140 years of professional publishing experience, Elsevier is a trusted authority in the industry. We understand the standards upheld by reputable journals. Our language editing service comes with a quality guarantee, ensuring that your manuscript will meet the highest standards.
* (Source: Elsevier internal data)